Welcome to the world of Sociolinguistics

This is a blog for teachers and students who are interested in discussing relevant topics in the field of Sociolinguistics.

Thursday 14 July 2011



Sociolinguistics. Historical overview. ( Koerner.p221-231) Earlier Approaches to Linguistic Description.

The Scope of Sociolinguistics. The Sociology of Language. (Hudson p.4,5)

UNIT 2: Field Methods in the Study of Sociolinguistics.(Chapter 9. C&J) The Sociolinguist at Work.

The Ethnographic Analysis of Communicative Events. Types of Data Collection.

Components of Communication. (Chapter 11 C&J).

UNIT 3: Styles, Gender and Social Class. Register and Style: Definitions. More on Class and Language ( Mesthrie, R. et al. p.97)

Five different styles.(Mesthrie p.96) Language Style as an Audience Design (C & Jp.240)

Gender and Language Use. (Mesthrie, R. et al. p.216). The Whole Woman: Sex and Gender

Differences in Variation 

Gender, Class and Language ( Mesthrie, R. et al. p.106)

Language and Sex (Peter Trudgill p.78)

UNIT 4: Language Attitudes ( Fasold/ Hudson Chapter 6)

Language and Power(Fairclough p….)

Bilingualism (Fasold / Nessa Wolfson chapter 12)

Language Planning (Fasold…)


-Swan, Deumert , Lillis, Mesthrie. ‘A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics’

- Hudson, R.A., ‘Sociolinguistics’. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics. Cambridge University Press.Cambridge,1996

- Coupland, Nikolas and Jaworski, Adam . ‘Sociolinguistics. A Reader’. St. Martin’s Press. New York.1997

-Stockwell, Peter.’Sociolinguistics. A Resource Book for Students .Routledge English Language Introductions. Routledge, London,2003

-Trudgill, Peter. ‘Language and Social Context’. Penguin,UK, 1990

-Trudgill, Peter.’Sociolinguistics. An Introduction to Language and Society ’.Penguin, UK,1983.

-Fasold, Ralph.’The Sociolinguistics of Society’. Blackwell, Oxford, 1997.

-Spolsky, Bernard. ‘Sociolinguistics’.Oxford, 1998.

-Swann, Joan, Deumert,Ana et al. ‘A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics’, Edinburgh University Press,2004.

- Chambers, J.K and Trudgill, Peter. ‘Dialectology’, University Press,…………………………

-Koerner and Asher. ‘Concise History of the Language Sciences’,1995

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