Welcome to the world of Sociolinguistics

This is a blog for teachers and students who are interested in discussing relevant topics in the field of Sociolinguistics.

Sunday 10 July 2011


Let's put into practice what we have previously discussed!

1-Let's discuss the following question: In what way the key concepts acquired in the subject can be applied to the topic of language planning ?Once you have chosen the most important concepts, it would be interested to make a power-point presentation to be presented in class. For this, you can read the e-class and the course outline .
2- Case study: " Language Planning in India:The influence of English  on the educational system and the media" Link: Diplomabereit 
Read the paper carefully and make a summary of the situation in India, paying attention to the following concepts: 
- Language planning and policy in India .
- Multilingualism
-History of English in India .
 Official language 
- National language
-English and Hindi
3- Video:'Guosa Language Evolution and Planning'

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